Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hamilton Waterfalls

Hamilton has over 100 waterfalls , and its the waterfall capital of the world.  I usually visit Hamilton once a year just for fun but this time I purposely went there to see waterfalls.  通常遊玩前我都會做足 research,但今次這個旅程我只是草草做了兩個多鐘的 research 便算了(一個人做 research 無人幫手好慘的!)。Note:  I have in total 3 posts about Hamilton and this is only the first one.  I will post the other one tomorrow and my last one on Friday.  It's all about food anyway.  Here is a website where I sort of get my 'waterfalls' route from.  May 29 @ 9:47pm, I need to go out now...  Don't think I will have time to continue when I come back....  Sorry, my thoughts are all over the place, 中文加英文,get use to it 吧~!=)

Not sure if you can see it or not but this is my original planned 'waterfalls' route.  Yet, my trip ended at Point E 'coz I have no more time to see the rest!  Note, Point A is a yacht club and Point B is a fish & chips place.

Entering Hamilton, the steel city.

That flame is on 24-7!  I always wonder what do they produce here...練鋼??!

Heading to my first waterfall of the day: Devil's Punchbowl.  Nearby is this market & bakery 'house'.

There is a fruit land nearby as well, these are plum trees I guess?!

....It doesn't look like a plum to me....  A pear maybe??!!  Will know by August for sure!!  =D

Guess what this is!!!   不走近看以為是一堆亂草!

Rhubarb field!!  That's for sure!

The Dofasco Trail.... Okay....Honestly, I see no trail around the area!!  LOL!!  下車後第一件事就是滿懷希望地要看瀑布~~  什麼 trail 跟本沒有留意到。

Is this Hamilton?!  Or Stoney Creek?!  I think this is more like Stoney Creek~

Part of the Niagara Escarpment.  You can see Toronto from here (I think) when the sky is clear.  這個景望向東面。

This is it!  Devil's Punchbowl!

......Where is the waterfall??!

Stratified sedimentary rock, the bottom layer (red) is iron rich that's all I remembered.

Apparently the weather is too dry and there has not been any rain since who-knows-when, that's why there is no 'waterfall'!!  要看有水出的瀑布一定要等剛下完雨的時候。網上也說,大部份的瀑布在夏季是沒有水流的。

That's the market & bakery 'house', it's not too far from the fall.  走大概五分鐘便能到達這個瀑布。

There is no way I can get down there!!  Besides, there is no water anyway...  Nothing much to see...

..........吓?!唔好話 crayfish,連魚嘟唔會有啦~

That's it!  Pretty disappointing honestly, let's move on to the next fall...

The second waterfall is located inside this forest!  地方看似好荒蕪,但呢個瀑布其實位於民居中。

It's call Felker's Falls.

Entering this conservation area, it's all about trees!!  松鼠、啡鼠、花鼠嘟見到!

It's literally a 'forest'!!

I found this hole on the floor...don't know what kind of hole this is.  呢個窿唔好睇小佢,看似平平無奇,但個洞其實好深嘅!之前都見過一個,我手多把一根超過一尺長的樹枝塞進去,整根樹枝被塞進去後還有位再入深啲!犀利!!

Off track 往欄杆以外的地方探險,終於走到水邊。這是 '上游'。Looks pretty okay in the picture, but its not okay to cross the stream here!!

Seeing these sedimentary rocks here again, but these one are dull in color!!  完全沒有吸引力可言!

Here is the 'edge'.  Now my question becomes, how can I get down there??!


See the cliff!!!  How can I get down there??!!  o_O!!

Felker's falls...  No kidding.... 過了溪澗我不能走回頭路了(實在太恐怖),我只好從另一邊爬翻上山!!攀著樹根踏著石頭...爬到冇氣!

Saw these rocks, I rushed over to take pictures!  Reaching this place is another disaster....  昆蟲不斷向我撲過來,又在我耳邊打轉!還要經過有很多蟲卵的樹葉!嚇死我~


OKay!!  Next~~  沿途揸車,看到整個山坡都是這種沉積岩。

I don't know where exactly I am, maybe on the mountain area?! 這個景望向西面。

什麼高樓大廈都沒有,這個地方好像很悶的.....  Too bad we don't have a clear blue sky today!!

My last stop: Albion Falls.  要找這個地方有點困難,GPS 好像沒有顯示這個瀑布。我要一早在 Google 中找路線....

This is the edge of the fall, see there are 2 people on the right side of the fall?!  可以作為對比看看這個瀑布有多大。

This waterfall is a lot better than the other two!!  至少這個有流水,問題是我怎樣爬落去。這個 view 從瀑布的左邊拍攝。

Here I come! 挑戰難度~~  =)


Finally I've reached the bottom of the fall!!  Look at those layers of rock!!  I wish I can get closer!!

睇吓幾多人!!It's not too hard to climb down after all!!

Finally no one is around, 可以影一幅冇人嘅相啦~  ^^

踏在那些 shale 上越走越過。好采啲石冇裂,如果唔係就、跌落水啦!!

It looks cool from this view but when you get closer 你會發覺石上有很多菁苔!

Donut!!  =D


Here is a closer shot!  I told my husband that I wanna pick some of these rocks home but he said no!!  ....真沮喪!


這些石頭比較碎,越近水的石越大塊,是 shale。我有想過在那裏開石看看裏面會不會有化石,但太多人唔敢亂嚟!


中間那層石特別厚,應該在當時這個地方發生過什麼事?!如: 同一時期有大量沙石沉積在這裏?!Eg, flood?!  斷估化石應該在那層很厚的石對上的地方能夠找到,對下的多數是散沙散石一碰就碎那種...


These ones are acceptable (to me), I was gonna picked something like this....but...  >=::::(


1,照片拍得嚇人~ 影近的東西還可以瞞天過海,但影遠的東西立即自暴其短!哈哈~

2,千層岩除了能在 Albion Falls 執到外,其他在 Dundas 地區的瀑布也可能可以執到,但這個未經証實。如要執已經過 erosion 的石片可以在 Hamilton 沙灘找到,明天會 post 地址。