Sunday, March 11, 2012

Korean Style Stir Fried Rice Cake

Mom was so hungry that she made this stir fried rice cake in a rush.  Same as chap chee, there is no specific ingredients for this dish.  Just add whatever you like as ingredient and stir fry them with rice cake.  Add hot pepper paste to the dish if you wanna spice up yourself.  Mom didn't add any meat here 'coz she said meat takes longer time to cook (and she apparently can't wait!!  Funny huh!).  Stir fried rice cake is one of my favorite food but I don't eat it often, my husband doesn't really like it and making it just for myself...there is no point.

 Knowing I ain't gonna eat it, Mom kept adding chilli red pepper and hot sauce!!  @@

 Cut the rice cake into slice first.  Mom said this rice cake has wheat germ inside, so the color is kinda brown.

 Korean hot chilli paste (not sure if this is the bibimbap sauce), dilute it with water first.

 Chop up whatever ingredients you want first.  I have here black fungus, mushroom, carrot and green onion is for garnishing.

 Stir fry the mushroom first, add in sugar, salt, cooking wine, water...etc.

 Weird, color of the electric stove is red but when I took this picture, it turned out purple.

Stir in carrot afterwards.  Water added, steam is coming up now.

 Out of no where Mom found some chopped cabbage and dumped them in.

 Dumped in the rice cake afterward.  (Mom did this in a rush I bet she must be very hungry...)

 Keep stir frying...

 Dump in the black fungus.

 Almost done, it' time to add the coloring now!!


 Not enough color, Mom added more chilli paste afterwards....  She kept stir frying 'coz the rice cake is starting to stick to the pan...and my picture became like this...


Closer shot.  I think this rice cake is a bit too dry.  I would have added more water to it.  Taste good though!

1 comment:

  1. A simple, quick and delicious dish. I love it.

