Tuesday, December 6, 2011


今天晚上老公煮桶蠔食。認識我的人都知道我是一個絕不碰蠔的人...  他在廚房把桶蠔蓋旋開,那陣 '供鼻' 的蠔味隨即籠罩整個廚房!! 我聞到這陣味立刻匆出客廳開門開窗逃之夭夭!他興高彩列地玩個薑蔥爆蠔,我就隔岸觀火不敢走近... (其實他煮得幾香的)。 看他吃蠔的樣子讓我毛管棟打冷震...煮熟的蠔拍個照片還可以,但要我吃就免問!老公說要我試一小口,我說如果他迫我食蠔我一定跟他反面!!吼~~


 Ewww....  睇倒就驚~~

 影相 OK,食就 no no!







  1. 各人口味不同,嗜者是天下美食,但膽固醇超高,少吃惟妙。北美蠔夠肥美但蠔味欠奉,圖中所見似乎是刻意著重原汁原味,蠔沒有事先拖水,爐火不足,似炆多過似爆。(愚見)


  2. Are oysters high in cholesterol?

    May be I am wrong...depending on where you got the info from....

    Previously oysters were thought to contain high amounts of cholesterol but now, since new methods of calculating cholesterol levels are more accurate, oysters have been removed from the restricted list. Oysters are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. They are also a very good source of high quality protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and iron. A three ounce cooked portion of oysters contains only 93 milligrams of cholesterol.

    Oysters are not only delicious, but they're also one of the most nutritionally well balanced of foods, containing protein, carbohydrates and lipids. The National Heart and Lung Institute suggest oysters as an ideal food for inclusion in low-cholesterol diets. Oysters are an excellent source of vitamins A, B1(thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), C (ascorbic acid) and D (calciferol). Four or five medium size oysters supply the recommended daily allowance of iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese and phosphorus.


  3. MJ, 你真是一個食蠔專家呢~ 我呀,見到蠔已經'聞風喪膽'了~ 哈哈~
