Thursday, November 10, 2011

Aunt's Orchids

My aunt EV is a plant expert.  She expertize in growing all sorts of plants and orchids (I think) is one of her best.  I visited her long time ago and got a chance to take some of her plants pictures.  She used to have lot more but she has sold most of her plants after down sizging her house.  Pictures shown here are only part of her collections.  I've never see these plants in local nursaries, and lucky that most of her plants has a name tag so you can easily tell what short of plant it is.  =)

 Here is only part of my aunt's collection.

 The plant's name is on the tag...which I don't even know how to pronounce it...

 Here is another tray of her mini orchid.

 Paph - this is only a short form of 'Paphiopedilum'...Holy!!

 Here is another shot of the same plant.

 This one is a special one 'coz it has a 'net' around it...

 I like my aunt's handwritting, looks neat!  =)

 'Pony Ride' - finally something I understand!!  LOL!

 Among all the plants, I like this one the best!!  So cute~

1993?!  This plant is here since 1993??!!

Not sure why all her plants don't have

...And not sure why lava Rock is a good growing medium for

Here is another pot of  'don't know what it is'...

Looking at my aunt's plants are better than researching any sorts of text books!  Hahahah!!

Phrag - a short form for Phragmipedium...

...I wonder how it's flower looks like...

Um....??....  Looks like grass to me!!  Hahaha!!

Envy green, I did some researches on Google, it's flower looks nice!  =)

Petite plaisance

This orchid looks cute to me.  =)

I wonder how big these plants can grow up to...

If my memory serves me correctly, this is an African Violet?!

I guess the full name of this plant is 'Sophrolaeliocattleya Mahalo Jack', crazy name huh!! 

'Fragrance Fantasy' - I like this name!!  =)

LC love knot, I like this name too!  =)

Um...this doesn't look like it's an orchid...

A closer shot at the African Violet.

  The tag hides behind the plant and I don't know what it is....except I know it's an orchid!

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