我做啲麵包你地睇吓就算喇,千奇唔好學,教壞人嘅!!呢個黑糖提子包係 Mom 話要食嘅,之前嘟整過結果失敗咗。依家再接再勵... Well,個 result 比以前啲 bun 改善咗,因為我開始掌握發yeast嘅竅門!哇哈哈哈~~ 起碼依家嘅麵包嘟會發大,但係出嚟嘅結果似焗蛋糕多過焗麵包... 呢個 recipe 喺 internet 嘟有,而且個樣仲好靚添(啲麵包係一個個餐麵嚟嘅),不過我天資遲鈍整唔倒一個個,所以變咗一 loaf...
雞蛋 1 隻加鮮奶共 1¼ 杯(這個份量太多了,我減到 1杯)
高筋麵粉 1½ 杯 (水達達,我加到2杯)
吉士粉 2茶匙
黑糖 ¼ 杯多啲
乾酵母 1½ 茶匙
牛油 1¾ 湯匙(室溫回軟)
提子乾 ½ 杯少啲(先用水浸10分鐘,滴乾水份,再用廚房紙吸乾水份)
麵包機自動關掉後我再繼續發酵。 發酵一個半小時後成績如此。
把它放進開着燈的微波爐裡 - 我給它所需要的溫暖~ 發酵三個小時後變成這樣。
烤焗完成~ 變成了一個蛋糕...
蛋...糕... o_O"
橫切面... 味道唔錯,但係硬咗啲, texture 似白糖糕...有代改進,有代改進!!
我喜歡拍照,也喜歡寫作。照片拍得多了存於電腦中,自己又不會有什麼時間翻看,倒不如放上網上公諸同好~ 寫作方面呢,其實只是想練習一下拼音打字和中文而已。。。兩種嗜好拼在一起,還有什麼比寫網誌好?!哈哈~~
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Korean Supermarket - Pat Market, Thornhill
There are five Pat Market locations around town and the one I've visited today is located at Yonge & Glen Cameron. I wasn't planning for a visit but the restaurant I wanna go hasn't opened yet at the time when I've arrived, so I took a walk at the market to kill time. Supermarket is one of the place I like to visit, especially those Japs and Korean ones. I only took some pictures here 'coz I didn't plan to take any at first, but I had my camera with me so I took the advantage of it. =)
I can't read Korean at all, and worse part is I can't guess it's meaning!
These food looks yum to me. I should have take more pics of these cooked food but a staff was standing right in front of me so I just snapped and leave.
Their short ribs always look fresh and yum, but expensive.
I wonder if this cake taste good or not... Mmmm....
A whole cart of fortune cookies, each bag is only costing $2.99! I'm feeling so fortunate now! LOL!
I always see these 'puffy balls' but I never know how they taste like...
Korean snacks.
These are glutinous bread mix. I bought a pack and made these breads myself long time ago. Well, the bread texture was pretty chewy and tasted very different from our Chinese buns. Worth a try!
What attracts me is this package's picture!!! Looks so yum!! These are bread crumbs.
All sorts of red hot chili powder!!
I wonder what these are...some sort of 'milk'??!
Assorted imported drinks.
Korean veggie dumplings. To me, Korean dumplings look good but didn't taste that good 'coz they don't add meat inside. I think I can do better than them here... Haha!!
Wasabi oil, I have one at home too!! Super hot and spicy worse than dipping the real wasabi! Oh gosh!
Sakura shrimp paste??! This is one of the ingredient for making Kimchi.
These are Kimchi ingredients too.
It was cold and windy outside the market. These leafs and loose paper were spinning like crazy but when I got my camera and ready to take the shot, all wind died down....
I can't read Korean at all, and worse part is I can't guess it's meaning!
These food looks yum to me. I should have take more pics of these cooked food but a staff was standing right in front of me so I just snapped and leave.
Their short ribs always look fresh and yum, but expensive.
I wonder if this cake taste good or not... Mmmm....
A whole cart of fortune cookies, each bag is only costing $2.99! I'm feeling so fortunate now! LOL!
I always see these 'puffy balls' but I never know how they taste like...
Korean snacks.
These are glutinous bread mix. I bought a pack and made these breads myself long time ago. Well, the bread texture was pretty chewy and tasted very different from our Chinese buns. Worth a try!
What attracts me is this package's picture!!! Looks so yum!! These are bread crumbs.
All sorts of red hot chili powder!!
I wonder what these are...some sort of 'milk'??!
Assorted imported drinks.
Korean veggie dumplings. To me, Korean dumplings look good but didn't taste that good 'coz they don't add meat inside. I think I can do better than them here... Haha!!
Wasabi oil, I have one at home too!! Super hot and spicy worse than dipping the real wasabi! Oh gosh!
Sakura shrimp paste??! This is one of the ingredient for making Kimchi.
These are Kimchi ingredients too.
It was cold and windy outside the market. These leafs and loose paper were spinning like crazy but when I got my camera and ready to take the shot, all wind died down....
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Picture of My Day: Monster Truck
Here is another look at this monstrous vehicle..
PS, today's topic must be very boring huh?! Yeah...I know... Sorry...got nothing much to write lately and I just made up something. Tomorrow's topic will be better than this, I guaranteed! =)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Picture of My Day: Spider Freak
Spider is one of the insect I scare most... I remembered the place where I used to live back in Hong Kong was close to a hillside, so giant wolf spiders (half of a palm size!!) often showed up in my house! My parents used to hit it with a rolled-up newspaper and for me, I screamed and ran away! I guess my spider phobia developed since then. Yet recently while I was pouring water into a bottle, a spider dropped in! Shit! Although it's just a tiny spider, it freaked me out completely! Instead of draining the water from the bottle and recycle it, I threw the whole thing away!! @@
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
前幾天看到同學在 Facebook 上 post 了個蜜糖雞蛋麵包制作過程,看上去蠻簡單的:把蜜糖 50g; 鹽 3g; 蛋 25g; 水 140g; 高筋麵粉 250g; 乾酵母 2.5g; 牛油 25g 通通掉進麵包機中然後按掣等三個小時即成!!麵包機會自動揉麵團,發酵和焗麵包。等了三個小時,結果超失敗...甚麼地方出了錯我也不知道,唯一能想到的便是酵母可能放太久發不起... 唉~~ 其實我用這台麵包機做的麵包一次也沒有成功過... 可能是我自己的問題吧...真令人沮喪~
把所有材料掉進去~ (從開始到完成需要三小時,這台麵包機是自動 set 的。)
10:46am, 好!開始揉麵團!
10:53am, 這是揉了幾分鐘後的效果。
11:04am, 麵團開始變得光滑。
11:25am, 應該開始發酵吧?!
12:05pm, 麵團變得更光滑,可是它一點都不像有發酵過...
12:48pm, 完了~~ 這個麵包註定失敗!!要開始烤焗了...
1:54pm, 烤焗完成... 我第一個感覺是它未熟,但我沒有辦法再加時間...
Holy Crap!!!! @@
囧~~~~ 這算是甚麼東東??!!!!
這是我同學所烤的麵包,我特意把她的麵包照 post 在這裡作為比較...
這是她的麵包的橫切面... 同樣的材料,同樣的作法,為什麼我的麵包會變成這樣?!
PS, Mom, you said the dough will rise as it started to bake, how come it's like this....??
把所有材料掉進去~ (從開始到完成需要三小時,這台麵包機是自動 set 的。)
10:46am, 好!開始揉麵團!
10:53am, 這是揉了幾分鐘後的效果。
11:04am, 麵團開始變得光滑。
11:25am, 應該開始發酵吧?!
12:05pm, 麵團變得更光滑,可是它一點都不像有發酵過...
12:48pm, 完了~~ 這個麵包註定失敗!!要開始烤焗了...
1:54pm, 烤焗完成... 我第一個感覺是它未熟,但我沒有辦法再加時間...
Holy Crap!!!! @@
唉~~~ 甚麼地方出了錯??!! 囧~~~~~~
這是她的麵包的橫切面... 同樣的材料,同樣的作法,為什麼我的麵包會變成這樣?!
PS, Mom, you said the dough will rise as it started to bake, how come it's like this....??
Monday, November 14, 2011
Picture of My Day: Congo Tetra Spawn
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Aunt's Orchids
My aunt EV is a plant expert. She expertize in growing all sorts of plants and orchids (I think) is one of her best. I visited her long time ago and got a chance to take some of her plants pictures. She used to have lot more but she has sold most of her plants after down sizging her house. Pictures shown here are only part of her collections. I've never see these plants in local nursaries, and lucky that most of her plants has a name tag so you can easily tell what short of plant it is. =)
Here is only part of my aunt's collection.
The plant's name is on the tag...which I don't even know how to pronounce it...
Here is another tray of her mini orchid.
Paph - this is only a short form of 'Paphiopedilum'...Holy!!
Here is another shot of the same plant.
This one is a special one 'coz it has a 'net' around it...
I like my aunt's handwritting, looks neat! =)
'Pony Ride' - finally something I understand!! LOL!
Among all the plants, I like this one the best!! So cute~
1993?! This plant is here since 1993??!!
Not sure why all her plants don't have flowers....um....
...And not sure why lava Rock is a good growing medium for orchids....um...
Here is another pot of 'don't know what it is'...
Looking at my aunt's plants are better than researching any sorts of text books! Hahahah!!
Phrag - a short form for Phragmipedium...
...I wonder how it's flower looks like...
Um....??.... Looks like grass to me!! Hahaha!!
Envy green, I did some researches on Google, it's flower looks nice! =)
Petite plaisance
This orchid looks cute to me. =)
I wonder how big these plants can grow up to...
If my memory serves me correctly, this is an African Violet?!
I guess the full name of this plant is 'Sophrolaeliocattleya Mahalo Jack', crazy name huh!!
'Fragrance Fantasy' - I like this name!! =)
LC love knot, I like this name too! =)
Um...this doesn't look like it's an orchid...
A closer shot at the African Violet.
The tag hides behind the plant and I don't know what it is....except I know it's an orchid!
Here is only part of my aunt's collection.
The plant's name is on the tag...which I don't even know how to pronounce it...
Here is another tray of her mini orchid.
Paph - this is only a short form of 'Paphiopedilum'...Holy!!
Here is another shot of the same plant.
This one is a special one 'coz it has a 'net' around it...
I like my aunt's handwritting, looks neat! =)
'Pony Ride' - finally something I understand!! LOL!
Among all the plants, I like this one the best!! So cute~
1993?! This plant is here since 1993??!!
Not sure why all her plants don't have flowers....um....
...And not sure why lava Rock is a good growing medium for orchids....um...
Here is another pot of 'don't know what it is'...
Looking at my aunt's plants are better than researching any sorts of text books! Hahahah!!
...I wonder how it's flower looks like...
Um....??.... Looks like grass to me!! Hahaha!!
Envy green, I did some researches on Google, it's flower looks nice! =)
Petite plaisance
This orchid looks cute to me. =)
I wonder how big these plants can grow up to...
If my memory serves me correctly, this is an African Violet?!
I guess the full name of this plant is 'Sophrolaeliocattleya Mahalo Jack', crazy name huh!!
'Fragrance Fantasy' - I like this name!! =)
LC love knot, I like this name too! =)
Um...this doesn't look like it's an orchid...
A closer shot at the African Violet.
The tag hides behind the plant and I don't know what it is....except I know it's an orchid!
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