Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Picture of My Day - Re/Max the Karate Kid

I was kinda of shock when I saw this...  Re/Max West is now teaching Karate?!!  NO WAY!!  But when I look closer...Re/Max's office is on the right side whereas Master Kim's Taekwondo school is on the left side.  Well...an inflatable doll is a good attraction to generate business but putting it right in front of your own shop and blocking the entrance...that's not smart Master Kim!!

1 comment:

  1. 正確嚟講唔係 karate (空手道), 應該係妳第二次所講 taekwondo (跆拳道).

    Master Kim 真係有啲問題, 要啲學生同家長捐過褲浪先入得?
