Monday, July 27, 2020





Monday, April 20, 2020

Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐

好幾年都沒有寫博文了,就連這帳戶的密碼也差點忘記!進來後還要摸索溫故知新一番才記得怎樣發文!哈哈~~  看來我應該勤力一點寫博文了!今次為大家帶來的是自家製臭豆腐,這臭豆腐抱歉不是我弄的,而是一個朋友弄了後把照片發給我看,我覺得值得收藏所有在這裡上傳了。他沒有告訴我除了豆腐和那瓶寫著「臭豆腐」的腐乳外還用了什麼醬料,大概就只有這兩樣食材吧。廢話不多說了~~




 讓我猜猜~~ 把豆腐用吸水紙抹乾後一件分切為三件備用。我看那豆腐切開後都有很多孔的,樣子都比較老,可能是用老豆腐了~








料理看上去好像很黑暗的,但我覺得吃下應該不錯吧~ 下次有機會一定要自己試試弄~

Thursday, May 10, 2018

St. Jacobs Farmer Market - 超級搞笑的馬匹

放下寫博文的習慣都已經有兩年之多了!因為有IG的出現,我通常都把照片發放到IG上,這樣做比較方便。今天送上之前在 St. Jacobs Farmer Market 拍的馬照。這隻馬超級搞笑。。。我在牠面前用手機拍照擾攘,牠對我的手機很是好奇。要牠乖乖合作允許我拍照,我也很合作地把手機送到牠面前任由牠去用鼻子摸索。。。大家彼此認識了之後,我用手機以「低抄」角度拍下這些照片,牠很搞笑,可能知道我古靈精怪,也很配合地做出幾個古靈精怪的動作~~

 這隻馬與另一同伴在 St. Jacobs 專門負責拖著車廂接載遊客遊覽市鎮的。每天幾個小時做同一樣的工作走同一條路線的確乏悶。偶爾有人逗逗牠開心也是樂事~






Wednesday, December 21, 2016

蟹殼黃 Baked Scallion-Stuffed Sesame Biscuit

今次寫了這個蟹殼黃的博文主要是方便自己日後懂得做這個小點。之前在外面買過急凍了的蟹殼黃來吃,味道也算不錯的,但也不及這些新鮮做的好吃。想不到原來蟹殼黃是這麼容易做喔!老媽說,這個食譜特別之處是在水皮中加進酵母。。。 我把完成了的作品照片傳了給公司的老闆娘看,她要我翻譯一個英文的食譜給她!這次真是汗顏了。。。。

材料       Ingredients

水皮           Water-Based Dough  (Make 30):                          
中筋麵粉    All Purpose Flour                    250g                               
溫水           Warm Water                           125g                               
豬油           Lard (sub. w/ Shortening)       50g                                 
酵母           Dry Yeast                                2g                                  
糖               Sugar                                     10g                                  

油皮           Oil-Based Dough       (Make 30):                                                  

低筋麵粉    Cake Flour                              190g                               
豬油            Lard (sub. w/ Shortening)       90g    

內餡            Filling:                                                                            
蔥花            Green Onion                            400g
鹽                Salt                                          2/3 teaspoon
黑白胡椒     Black & White Pepper             1/2 teaspoon each
豬油          Lard (sub. w/ Shortening)       50g
雞粉            Chicken Bouillon Powder         Optional

表面             Surface:
糖水液         Water-Sugar Liquid                 1:1
白芝麻         White Sesame

Clean the green onions, and dry them with kitchen paper.

Chop them into small pieces.

DO NOT add seasoning right way, let it sit and dry for a bit more under room temperature.

Let's start with the water-based dough first.

除了溫水和豬油,先把所有粉狀材料放在 food processor 內搞拌十來秒。
Put all powdery ingredients into a food processor and mix for about 10 seconds.  DO NOT add warm water and lard in this stage.

 這樣可使麵粉更加鬆泡泡。我問過母親大人為什麼不用 sifter,她好像說這個比較快捷。
This is to make the flour more fluffy.  We don't need to use a sifter if we are using a food processor.

Add warm water and lard into the food processor, mix until a dough is 'slightly' formed.  Key Point:  DO NOT over mixed the dough, we don't want to encourage the dough to develop gluten.

Now, let's move on to the oil-based dough.  We don't want the water-based dough to ferment too much since yeast was added, so we need to finish this one fast.

 做油皮的低筋麵粉這回就要用 sifter 而不是用 food processor 了!這是由於低粉內往往會有一些成了粒狀的豆粉,用 food processor 不能把它均衡地搞碎,所以一定要用 sifter。
Use a sifter instead of a food processor this time.  This is to smooth out all crumbles that is inside the cake flour, which a food processor can't do.

 用 sifter 一定要拿高一點,好等空氣能夠混進低粉中。
Hold the sifter a bit higher from the table and sift, so that air can get inside the flour.

 把低粉與豬油放進 food processor 中搞均。我家沒有 food processor,所以做糕點的時候往往要用手揉。。。實在非常不方便!
Pour cake flour into the food processor together with lard and mix well.

Mix until these two ingredients slightly started to bind, again, DO NOT over mix.

Let both dough rest for about 30 minutes...even 15 minutes is fine in my experience, the water-based dough has already over fermented in the picture shown above.

Wait until the very last minute, mix all seasonings with your green onions.

This is to avoid having green onions becoming too watery.  Once it gets watery, it's hard to wrap...

Divide water-based and oil-based dough into 30 counts evenly.  I personally think it's best to divide them into about 25 counts, it's easier to work with.

Wrap the oil-based dough with the water-based dough (oil-based dough stay inside) and roll it into a ball.  These dough dry up easily, so cover all unused dough with a damped cloth to keep them moist.

 包到最後一粒粉團時,第一粒包完的傢伙都已經 rest 夠了!我把它壓平再用麵粉棒「顏」開。老媽說不用把粉團壓平的,因為這樣會容易扁不能起酥。。。一個粉團頂多不能「顏」多過四,五下。。。好複雜呢!
After finished wrapping all 25 dough, start with the very first one and roll it out as picture shown above.  Press it gently, otherwise this pastry won't puff!

Roll it up like the picture shown above.   Do all of them in one roll so that the first rolled dough has a bit time to rest.  Remember, always cover the unused 'dough' with a damped cloth to keep them moist.

 打棟放再「顏」開,開口向上。。再捲在一起。我貪快一次過「顏」三粒粉團,結果被老媽省到飛天!!她說快沒用的。。。。要慢工才出細貨! 對。。。但粉團已經乾到爆裂喔!!
Start with the very first rolled dough, put it vertically and roll it out again, the opening (of the dough) has to face up....and roll it up like picture shown above.  Be gentle and don't press it too hard.

All done!  =)

Grab a rolled dough, lay it down with opening facing up, press in the middle with a finger, and squeeze both ends towards each other (That's the best wordings I can think of....LOL!).

You have to do this quick because the dough is drying up fast.

Flatten it a little, and roll it out as picture shown above, about 2-3mm thick.  You can slightly see the layers once you've flattened the rolled dough.

 個人覺得粉團每次去到新的步驟都要 rest 一會的,因為不 rest 的話粉團就會變得有點硬,難以處理,所以我通常都是由第一粒粉團開始做到尾,然後再由第一粒開始再處理,這樣 resting 時間足夠,粉團也變動很鬆弛(你明白我在說什嗎?我開始遊魂了)。
Each dough need a little time to rest after you've finished working on it, so I will start with dough #1, and ends at #25; then I start all over again from #1 and work my way through.  In this case, each dough will have enough resting time.

 包蔥。。。還未出水的蔥粒還好,出了水就非常麻煩了!食譜說蔥的份量為400g,如果可以則預備多一點吧,根據我經驗,400g 蔥是不夠的。。。。至少還要多兩條蔥。不過記得增加蔥粒後也要加進適量的調味。
Now begin with the fillings.  I personally think 400g of green onion is not enough to wrap all these 'buns', so my suggestion is to prepare some more green onions ahead of time, half a bunch will be enough.  Remember to add additional seasonings if you have more than 400g of green onions.

Wrap it up by pulling the edge together.  If the green onion starts to get all over the place, use your thumb and press it down towards the centre while you wrap.


 糖,水液,主要是使蟹殼黃的表面容易沾上芝麻,吃下去感覺甜甜地的。糖和水的比例是 1:1, 建議這個在開始偉大的工程前準備好。
Water - sugar liquid ratio is 1:1, dissolve sugar in water.  This is for easy coating, and it also brings a slight sweetness to the pastry itself.  Just prepare a small bowl of liquid is enough, and I suggest you to prepare this ahead of time.

Hold the ball upside down, dip half of it into the liquid, then coast it with white sesame.

 最後這個步驟非常簡單,所以可以做得很 turbo。。。
The last step is very easy to do, so we can do it really quick!

放在焗爐中以 375度烘十八到二十分鐘,致表面金黃便完成了!
Preheat oven and bake at 375 degree Celsius for 18-20 minutes until golden brown.


The outcome doesn't look as good as last time my Mom made them.....

這是之前的作品。。。看上去是否感覺順眼一點呢?!顏色也特別豐富,是因為用了 foodie 的特效。
There pictures are from my previous batch.  I took them with the 'foodie' mode from my cell phone to make the finished product look more vivid.

I have made 25 counts here, I have substituted some of the filling with other ingredients because I don't have enough green onion.

This is how it looks inside, the pastry should be in layers.

LOL!  Having fun with another camera mode....